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Trends in Consumer Behaviour: Navigating the future of sensory tech, authenticity and value creation

Livia’s keynote examines three pivotal trends reshaping consumer behaviour and driving innovation, illustrated through real-world examples from different industries and regions. She begins by exploring how sensory-driven technologies are creating immersive, emotionally responsive experiences that are transforming the way consumers connect and engage. Next, she highlights the growing demand for emotional authenticity, challenging the dominance of AI-driven predictability as consumers increasingly value imperfection, spontaneity, and genuine interactions. Finally, Livia delves into how leading brands are redefining value creation, shifting engagement and loyalty into a more strategic and meaningful framework of "worth."


Trends in Consumer Behaviour: Navigating the future of sensory tech, authenticity and value creation

Seth Godin, author of 21 international bestsellers translated into 40 languages, brings his provocative insights on the future of marketing and advertising to the UBATrends Day. Drawing from his acclaimed works This Is Marketing, Purple Cow, and This Is Strategy, Seth will present a systematic approach that challenges the status quo. While advertisers excel at capturing attention, we often squander our expertise selling average products to average audiences. As our culture shifts away from "more" and toward "better," Seth will inspire us to create remarkable experiences that spark genuine conversations and foster true loyalty. Discover how marketers and advertisers can lead meaningful change, make lasting connections, and do work that matters for people who care. 

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During a work visit to Morocco, Joseph was unjustly sentenced to ten years in prison without evidence or investigation. He takes you into the raw and confronting reality of overcrowded and polluted Moroccan prisons. He candidly shares how he dealt with grief, anger, and frustration, and how he managed to maintain his strength despite the harsh conditions. What motivated him to keep going? And how did he turn his situation into valuable life lessons? These insights now enrich his life, and Joseph hopes to inspire others to develop the same resilience and inner wealth. Through his personal story, Joseph bridges the gap to the challenges within your organisation. He demonstrates how focus, freedom of choice, and perseverance can drive progress and highlights the importance of mental strength in every aspect of life: from studies and sports to work and entrepreneurship, and from love and freedom to health.

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